Tooth bonding is an aesthetic enhancement that involves the direct application of tooth-colored composite resin, typically used to create a more attractive smile in one visit.
Tooth bonding can be employed to change the size or shape of your teeth, creating a smile that appears more symmetrical and space-free. This single-visit procedure provides a fast solution for a more attractive smile. In some cases, it may even eliminate the need for orthodontic treatment.
Tooth stains and discolorations that resist professional tooth whitening procedures may also be masked by tooth bonding.
The procedure for dental bonding or cosmetic bonding at Brilliant Smiles of North Brunswick in North Brunswick, Central NJ, is as follows:
Preparation: During the preparation for dental bonding or tooth bonding, the dentist will select a composite resin color that matches the color of your tooth as closely as possible. There is no need for anesthesia during dental bonding unless it is being performed to fill in any cavities.
Bonding: During this process, the dentist will first roughen up the surface of your tooth and apply a conditioning liquid. This helps the composite resin to adhere better to your tooth. Then the dentist applies the composite resin to the tooth. The composite resin will be molded and smoothened. The composite resin will be hardened with a special light-hardening process. Finally, the dentist will sharpen and polish the composite resin so that it looks like your natural tooth.
Dental bonding or tooth bonding takes around 30 to 60 minutes for each tooth.
Although tooth bonding may not be as long-lasting as porcelain veneers or dental crowns, it can last for years with proper care. Dr. Sonal Deshpande has listed a few tips to properly take care of your bonded tooth:
Brush your teeth twice a day
Floss your teeth once a day
Get your teeth professionally cleaned once every 6 months
Avoid biting your nails
Avoid tobacco, tea, and coffee for the first few days after the tooth bonding treatment
Don’t grind your teeth
To find out how tooth bonding can enhance your smile, please contact North Brunswick, Central NJ, cosmetic dentist Dr. Sonal Deshpande at Brilliant Smiles of North Brunswick. Her expertise in cosmetic dental procedures, including tooth bonding, can give you a smile that you can be proud to show off. Simply call our North Brunswick, Central NJ, area cosmetic dentistry office at
(732) 940-0222 or request an appointment.
We look forward to assisting you in all your dental needs!
Dr. Sonal Deshpande
Dr. Sonal Deshpande is a gentle, caring dentist who uses the most advanced materials and procedures available. She practices comfortable, caring dentistry focused on establishing optimal oral health, with a strong emphasis on getting to know each patient. In addition to her technical proficiency, Dr. Sonal Deshpande is a careful listener and will explain beforehand which treatment is best for your individual needs.
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